5 steps to create the balanced life you deserve


From the moment you first hold your newborn baby in your arms and experience that overwhelming sense of love, you know that your life will change forever. Being a mum is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding things there is; what can compare to the joy you feel when you see your child smile for the first time or the pride you experience when your little angel stands up on stage in their nativity play. However, there’s no denying that being a mum comes with its’ own set of challenges. 

It’s all too easy for our role as mum to become all-consuming. Before you know it, you have poured all your time and energy into your children’s lives, and all thoughts of your personal happiness and own sense of fulfillment are put on the backburner. It’s therefore not surprising that so many of the mums I coach tell me they have lost their sense of self and no longer understand what makes them tick.

Thankfully there are simple steps you can take to get a greater sense of fulfillment in your life. So based on my experience coaching hundreds of mum, here are my 5 thoughts on how you can achieve a more balanced life.

Take stock of your life

First things first, do a proper evaluation of all the key areas of your life, so you can understand in detail what is or isn't going well for you. Click for our free wheel of life tool which will help you quickly identify what is important to you and how to take some proactive steps to improve certain areas of your life.

Break down your goals into manageable chunks

Trying to change everything in your life in one go can be a daunting prospect. So focus on taking small steps to build momentum. I would encourage you to find some easy wins so you can see some instant improvement. Be realistic about what you can achieve given everything else that is on your plate. For example, if you want to put more time and effort into your relationship, an easy step might be having dinner together at the table once a week rather than resorting to TV dinners because you are both so tired.

Tune into the REAL you

As mums we are often so busy looking after everyone else’s needs that we lose sight of our own. Take some time to reconnect with the ‘real you’ to help you identify what gives you energy and a sense of fulfilment. For example, I’m motivated by helping others, so I recently volunteered to be a “Beyond The School Run” ambassador to help Louise Webster build her business. If you are energised by a sport or a hobby, makes sure you follow your passion and sign up for that 5km run or those art classes you keep promising yourself.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Change can be scary, so remember you don’t have to do it all by yourself. I always encourage the mums I coach to ask for emotional, practical or professional help if they feel they need it. If your finances are in a pickle and that is what is draining your energy, then seek out financial advice from an independent advisor.  If you are stuck in a career rut and don’t know how to get out of it, hire a career coach. If you want to start volunteering to have something else in your life, then talk to other volunteers to find the right opportunity for you.

Remember to prioritise

I know how busy life can be for mums as we juggle the responsibilities of work and family life, so my final piece of advice is to focus on the area in your life that you most want to improve, whether it’s work, exercise or your relationship. By prioritising in this way, you will manage your time more effectively and are more likely to achieve the change you desire.


By following the five steps above you will be well on your way to achieving a more balanced life. Remember you don’t have to do it all at once. So don’t feel overwhelmed - simply start chipping away at the most important area you want to improve and feel positive about every step you take.


Don’t forget to download our free wheel of life tool to help you identify the most important areas in your life and how to improve the areas you want to prioritise!  

Special offer: Book a one hour remote coaching session (phone or Skype) and get a 20% discount. Offer available for one session and must be booked in by end of April 2017.

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